This Entry will govern the use of this blog for all public and internal users alike. As much as we will respect individual opinion and space, we hope readers/users will respect our space and keep all discussion/comments civil here. The blog moderators will not tolerate spam/flaming post and will moderate your entries if it fails to be civil.
The key idea is to exercise maturity and logic when making a discussion/comment. Agree to disagree and respect each others differences will be key to keeping things in harmony.
AuthorshipAdministrators will administrate/vet articles. The key idea is to make use of this blog space to disseminate information or announcements or write articles. It is privilege not entitlement, account will be suspended if content violates our basic posting policy.
Otherwise, most members can simply use the tagboard on the right to put in some comments, or use the comment function at the end of each entry for a more lengthy entry. Again subjected to Terms and Conditions for using this site.
If you want to know something, please ask.
If you don't like what you see, please tell us.
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For Authors OnlyFor every post that you make, kindly "label" them with the appropriate labels so that "searching" for labeled posts may be easier to find. For example, if you are posting a "octave" related blog entry, use the label octave so that the link on the left will only post "octave" related entry in the future.
Moderators are: Jesper Zeng, Jason Chew, Samuel Koh. If you are keen to sign up as a moderator, please contact either one of them for more information.
Labels: administrative
please add the following enhancement to the Entries on the left:
- Add Event Label after band announcement
- Add Affiliates after Harmonica de Cantabile
Thanks. Samuel
Labels: modification