Events  Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Written by Xamuel @ 4:16 PM.    0 Comment(s)

Contact Us  
Yuhua Secondary School
35 Jurong West St 41
Singapore 649406
Contact : 65661985
Fax : 65696689

For all feedback and/or inquiries please direct them to we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Written by Xamuel @ 4:14 PM.    0 Comment(s)

Additional Links  
1. Add a div section on the right with heading "Events" Its for the board master to update the coming events for students/visitor's manually. i.e:

19th June 2009 - June Training Camp 2009
4th July 2009 - Pasir Ris Performance
9th July 2009 - SYF Instrumental Presentation
December 2009 - Fun Camp 2009

2. Add links to the main navigation on the left - with heading "Events" to archive all our events/outings -

3. Add link - with Heading "Contact us" -

Written by Xamuel @ 4:05 PM.    0 Comment(s)

Ideas  Friday, June 12, 2009
Add New Links

News and Updates (3) for example. Must be label trackable.

For example, a new post with the label "news" will increase the count for News and Updates. Depends on how it works. It might work only for News.

Read more option.

Have the blog post to be surmised into small digestive sections, and if the readers wants to read more the can click Read more.

Idea from Jesper - technical materials of harmonicas perhaps.

Bouncing off his ideas, probably technical materials that is more applicable to our settings.


More ideas from jespers

Contributors to blog must be qualified and english used must be of a proper standard.

Proper news that is objective, no subjective news that is of own personal opinions.


Schedule / Events / fun etc. to be label trackable?

Perhaps section level news? under Section Links

example: 1st High (7)
2nd High (11)
Octave (15)
Percussion (18)
Lin Sing to be one of the few contributors. Perhaps all facilitators may be contributing.


Written by Xamuel @ 11:14 PM.    0 Comment(s)

Banner Update + Ideas  
I like the Concept of the banner, very artistic and clean and has a representative view of the things in YHHB. Targeting to "release" news of the website post camp, where we can post up pictures and links to the videos.

We can try a few more variations of the banner.

1. Fully Extended View

Extend left and right div with 2 x 3 more rows of Mid Sized Pictures instead of the smallest sized pictures. Meaning to say it will be a equal sized one with the centrepiece.

2. Two more vertical left and right centerpieces.

That might take out the focus of the centrepiece in the middle, if its possible lets see how it looks like.

I need to get a few more pictures to sylvia for more choice of pictures.

3. Picture Stamp

We may need a standard watermark stamp on all our future pictures we post up.

4. School Logo and Band Logo

We could insert mini picture of our logo into the montage. And perhaps our School logo too.

5. Alignment Issue

I'm not sure if it is browser/resolution specific but it could use a little bit shifting towards the left.

6. Add Alumni Link On Top of First High under sections

7. Feedback Form (something Sam will look into)

8. Polling Function (to be discussed)

9. Should we have a "Wall" with open comments?

10. Blog Post with links to camps videos should it be linked up?

11. Events Link?

12. Engage Kailing as blog administrator

Probably to clean up posts to make it more beautiful when she is free of course.

13. Why do you love the band/harmonica survey? (To gather some insights)


Written by Xamuel @ 12:15 AM.    0 Comment(s)